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MTMA Application for Emeritus Membership

PRIVACY NOTE.  The contents of this application will not be sold or distributed.  Successful applicants will have their name published in the MTMA online directory.  

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions.  Incomplete applications will be returned for further information.  The MTMA Board of Directors will make a decision on your application at its next regular meeting.  If you have questions, or qualification obstacles, please contact MTMA at 406-519-8747 or


MEMBERSHIP DESCRIPTION.  A MTMA Emeritus Member (EM) is a retired mediator, neutral or individual dedicated to processes in which consensual and informed resolutions are made by parties.  EM's must meet the MTMA Emeritus Member Standards; subscribe to MTMA's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice; and be interested in furthering the purpose of MTMA.


● Certificate of acknowledgment as an Emeritus Member 

● Abeyance of membership dues 

● Listing on the Website 

● One-time acknowledgment in the Newsletter 

● Discount to attend MTMA-hosted professional development activities, including conferences 

An individual may apply for Emeritus Membership or be nominated by another member.

NOMINATION PROCESS. A nomination of a retired MTMA member to become an Emeritus Member may be submitted by another party familiar with their work on their behalf. The party can complete an Emeritus Member Nomination Form and the nominee will be invited to apply for Emeritus membership OR the nominating party may complete the application for the nominated member. The only information required for nomination is: 

● The individual’s name as they want it to appear on the Certificate of Emeritus Membership and in public documents 

● The years in which they paid dues 

● A list of their significant contributions and categories of service. 

APPLICATION FEES. A one-time $25 non-refundable application fee to cover MTMA's administrative costs. The application fee must be paid when the EM application is submitted. Application fees are non-refundable. 



  • Retired from practice as a mediator 

  • 10 or more years as a dues-paying member 

  • Provided a total of 8 or more “significant contributions” to MTMA drawn from at least 3 different categories of service. See descriptions below.

SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION. To provide an objective standard for measurement, a "significant contribution" has been quantified as 20 hours of volunteer service per year. This is equitable to the approximate hours of service contributed by an active Director on the MTMA Board (not including Officer duties) or an MTMA Committee Chair.

CATEGORIES OF SERVICE. To recognize the diversity of ways in which individuals support MTMA, the Board has established the following ways in which members make a “significant contribution” that supports the organization’s ability to achieve its mission and serve its members: 

Officer, Committee Chair, or Working Group Chair. One full year of service, equals one significant contribution. 

Director on the Board. One full year of service, equals one significant contribution.

Educational Articles. Publication of five (5) articles of 250 words or more (or the equivalent) that are designed to educate MTMA members or the public about the benefits of mediation or other mediation-related topics that support MTMA’s mission, equals one significant contribution. 

MTMA Conference organizer. Service as the chair, co-chair, or lead organizer of an MTMA conference through the full planning-to-delivery cycle, equals one significant contribution. 

Professional Development Delivery. Delivery of five (5) hours of uncompensated professional development that (a) directly benefits MTMA members, including presentations at MTMA-sponsored conferences and MTMA-sponsored professional development events, or (b) educates the public about MTMA and/or mediation, equals one significant contribution. 

MTMA Website. One full year of service maintaining and updating MTMA’s website, equals one significant contribution. 

MTMA Newsletter. Preparation and publication of four (4) quarterly issues of the MTMA newsletter, equals one significant contribution. 

MTMA Social Media. One full year managing one MTMA’s social media accounts, including posting new material at least twice a month, equals one significant contribution. 

Other. Other significant contributions not already identified in which the member contributes 20 hours of volunteer service that supports the organization’s ability to achieve its mission and serve its members. 

Before filling out this application or nomination please read the full list of qualifications at MTMA Emeritus Member Standards.

Part 1. All membership materials will be sent to the address entered below.
Applicant is retired from the practice of paid mediation. Eligibility for Emeritus Member is restricted to individuals who are no longer active, practicing mediators.
Applicant made significant contributions to MTMA, past, and present.
Applicant paid dues as a member of MTMA for a minimum of 10 years demonstrating support of MTMA through monetary investment as well as personal time and effort.
All previous questions must be answered affirmatively to proceed with application.
Please report a minimum of 8 contributions with the year of the contribution and the category of service. Refer to the descriptions of contributions and categories of service at the top of the page.
Contribution 1
Contribution 2
Contribution 3
Contribution 4
Contribution 5
Contribution 6
Contribution 7
Contribution 8
As an Emeritus Member of MTMA, I will subscribe to the purpose and principles of the Association. I will further certify the information supplied on this application is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks for submitting!

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